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Event Details

    Forty-hour Internship Tryout (FIT)

    Date: July 14, 2015, 11:30am – 1:00pm
    Robin Balke - IMKO Workforce Solutions
    Best Western - State Fair Inn
    3130 S Limit
    Sedalia, MO
    Event Type:
    Chapter Meeting
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    The Forty-hour Internship Tryout is a program designed to provide every high school student prior to graduation with an opportunity to experience a non-paid 40-hour internship experience before they purse a technical, associate or bachelor education.  Pettis County is a Certified Work Ready Community (CWRC), so it is an ideal area for a first-of-its-kind prototype to be implemented.

    Ed Watkins, Watkins Enterprises, will present information about the FIT program and how members of the HR community can play a key role in the program.

    Linda Christle, Executive Director - Sedalia Pettis County Economic Development, will also be presenting information on the status of employment in Pettis County.

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