President's Message
Tina Fisher
I would like to personally welcome you to the HRMA of West Central Missouri! It is my privilege to serve as President I am excited for the changes of in our field as we serve as organizational leaders and change agents.
We are proud to be an affiliate of the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM), the world’s largest HR professional society with over 300,000 professionals in more than 165 countries. HRMA of West Central Missouri is your local chapter, connecting you to SHRM and helping with networking, professional development and support in Human Resources. If you are new to the HR field, been in the HR field for many years or simply an interest in the profession, you are invited to contact us to learn more about 1) membership and how to join; 2) how to attend events as a guest, member or non-member and 3) the benefits and rewards of becoming a HRMA of the West Central Missouri chapter member.
I have served in the past year as Foundation chair before assuming role of President. I have been in the Human Resources field for over 20 years starting as an HR Assistant with my main duty being recruitment. Joining SHRM and obtaining the SHRM certification helped advance my career and led me to my current position as HR Director at Katy Trail Community Health. Joining the local HR chapter has been great in networking opportunities and keeping abreast of changes in the world of Human Resources.
HRMA of West Central Missouri is fortunate to have a group of experienced and capable HR professionals who volunteer and serve on our board and chair roles. It takes each of us to fulfill our roles to the best of our ability to ensure our chapter remains sustainable, while continuing to grow. We encourage you to reach out to us for assistance in developing and growing in your HR career. We also invite you to use your strengths and talents to volunteer on our board to make this chapter the best it can be as we move forward in the evolving world of Human Resources. We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming meeting or event!