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    How to Engage, Empower and Motivate Employees

    Date: January 12, 2016, 11:30am – 1:00pm
    Robin Balke
    Best Western State Fair Inn
    3120 S Limit
    Sedalia, MO
    Event Type:
    Chapter Meeting
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    According to a recent Gallup survey, only 29% of the US Workforce is engaged, 52% are not engaged, and 19% are actively engaged.  Disengaged employees sleepwalk through their workday or worse, undermine what their engaged colleagues accomplish.  On the other hand, engaged employees work with passion.  They feel a connection to their organization, drive innovation and ehlpt to move the organization forward.  They improve your organization's customer satisfaction, productivity, and profitability.  This presentation will examine what leaders can do to engage their employees:

    - Identify the components of an empowering environment to increase employee engagement.

    - Discuss how leaders communicate meaningfulness and worth to motivate employees.

    - Examine the role of accountability in creating an empowering environment and employee involvement.

    Rae Lee, a Business Trainer and Consultant for the Missouri Training Institute (MTI) at the University of Missouri-Columbia. MTI provides training and consulting services for businesses, government agencies, institutions of higher education, and others.

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