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Missouri SHRM State Membership Advisory Council Message

    April 29, 2020

    Below is a message from our Missouri SHRM State Membership Advisory Council:

    Let your voice be heard by the SHRM Board! The primary charge of the Membership Advisory Council (MAC) is to serve as the liaison between our amazing SHRM members and our SHRM Board of Directors. We are proud that we have a Board who listens to your feedback and acts, as evidenced by several Board initiatives which have resulted from your feedback through these surveys. Your response to this survey will be compiled with those of other SHRM members and will be addressed in a report that your MAC representatives will make to the SHRM Board of Directors in June. All responses will be anonymous.

    This survey should take you less than 10 minutes to complete.  It is open for any human resource colleague, regardless of whether or not you are a SHRM member. The survey is open until May 8, 2020.  We would appreciate hearing from you!!

    Follow this link to begin the survey:

    Thank you,

    Tina Fisher, SHRM-CP

    Chapter President